Most days, my job is paperwork, but I never miss an opportunity to celebrate the big things in life. 🇲🇦
Did you know that you can file N-400 while the I-751 is pending?
I represented clients today at an I-751 and N-400 combo interview at the Lawrence Field Office. The combo interview took a whopping 17 minutes, start to finish!
After the swift approvals, the clients took me to lunch and then out for Moroccan tea.
#moroccantea, #morocco, #immigration, #immigrationlawyer, #caniapplyforcitizenshipwhilei751ispending, #canifilen400withapendingi751petition, #canyouapplyforcitizenshipwithpendingi751, #filingn400whilei751ispending, #i751andn400combointerview, #i751andn400combointerview2023, #i751andn400concurrently, #i751earlyfiling, #n400interviewwhilei751pending, #n400whilei751ispending, #n400whilei751ispending2022.